La Moussaka Griega Clásica de Teodora

Thank you Judy Hart for the spanish translation!!! 🙂

Theodora’s Classic Greek Moussaka

Moussaka es un guiso hecho con capas de berenjena, con carne picada y especiada y finalmente con una bechamel cremosa por encima, que es horneado a la perfección de oro. Esta versión es la interpretación tradicional que su tía abuela de Atenas le enseño a Teodora. Sin embargo, también se puede hacer capas de patatas, calabacín, ó las verduras que sea que prefieres. Es abundante y llena bastante para que no se necesiten mucho para acompañar. ¡A veces, Teodora usa lentejas en vez de carne picada para hacer un Moussaka vegetal!
A pesar de que puede llevar mucho tiempo para prepararse, creo que encontrarás que una vez hecho, es un esfuerzo que vale la pena.

Tiempo de preparación: 2 horas
Tiempo de cocción: 45 minutos
Tiempo total: 2 horas, 45 minutos


• 3-4 berenjenas de aprox. 4 libras. (2,2 libras al Kg.)
• 1 libra de patatas
• 1 1 / 2 lbs. carne picada de vaca (o de cordero)
• 2 cebollas grandes, finamente picada
• 2 dientes de ajo picados
• 1 / 2 taza de vino tinto
• 1 / 4 taza de perejil fresco picado
• 1 cdta. de canela en polvo
• 1 / 4 cdta. Especias mezcladas
• 1 cdta. de nuez moscada molida
• 1 taza de puré de tomate (o tomate triturado)
• 2 cdas. de pasta de tomate
• 1 cdta. azúcar
• Sal y pimienta al gusto
• 2 tazas de miga de pan normal
• 1 taza de queso Kefalotyri (como el queso parmesano) 

• Salsa Bechamel:
• 1 taza de mantequilla salada (2 barras)
• 1 taza de harina
• 4 tazas de leche, caliente
• 8 yemas de huevo, ligeramente batido
• Una pizca de nuez moscada en polvo


Preparación de las verduras:
Usando un pelador fuerte, en parte pelar la berenjena, dejando tiras de piel de aproximadamente 1 pulgada de ancho alrededor de la berenjena. Cortar las berenjenas en rodajas de 1 / 2 pulgada. Coloque las rodajas de berenjena en un colador y salar liberalmente. Cubrirlas con un plato invertido de modo que el exceso de humedad se puede extraer. Dejarlas así por lo menos 15-20 minutos, preferentemente durante una hora. La sal también ayuda a eliminar algo la amargura de la berenjena.
Pelar las patatas y cortarlas en rodajas 1 / 4 pulgada. Se fríen hasta que estén blandas y doradas. Póngalas a un lado en de papel de cocina para secarlas y absorber todo el exceso de aceite.
Enjuagar las berenjenas y séquelas con papel de cocina. Freír las rodajas de berenjena en una freidora o sartén profunda, dándoles la vuelta una vez durante la cocción.
Cuando se termine de cocinar las berenjenas, colocarlas sobre papel de cocina también.
Precaliente el horno a 350 grados.

La Moussaka Griega Clásica de Teodora

Hacer el relleno de carne:
En una sartén grande, dore la carne picada de vaca (o cordero) hasta que el color rosa desaparezca. Agregue la cebolla y sofría hasta que estén transparentes, aproximadamente 5 minutos. Añadir el ajo y cocine hasta que estén fragantes, aproximadamente 1 minuto.
Añadir vino a la sartén y deje que se cocine a fuego lento y reducir un poco antes de añadir canela, pimienta, el perejil, la pasta de tomate, tomate triturado, (y el azúcar si los tomates no se han madurado al sol). Deje la salsa a fuego lento sin tapar durante 15 minutos aproximadamente para que el exceso de líquido pueda evaporarse. Debe ser más gruesa y un poco seca, salsa de tomate. Sazone al gusto con sal y pimienta.

Hacer la salsa bechamel:
Derrita la mantequilla a fuego lento. Usando una batidora, añadir la harina a la mantequilla derretida batiendo constantemente hasta formar una pasta suave. Deje que la harina cuece por un minuto, pero no deja que se dore.
Añadir la leche calienta a la mezcla en un flujo constante, batiendo continuamente. Cocer a fuego lento hasta que espese un poco, pero no la deje hervir.
Retire del fuego y añadir la yema de huevo batido y una pizca de nuez moscada. Volver al fuego y revolver hasta que espese pero no demasiado.

Montar la Moussaka:

Engrase ligeramente una bandeja para hornear profunda (como para hacer lasaña). Espolvoree el fondo del molde con el pan rallado. Dejando un espacio de 1 / 4 de pulgada en los bordes de la cacerola, colocar una capa de patatas en el fondo. Cubra con una capa de rodajas de berenjena.
Añada la salsa de carne en la parte superior de la capa de berenjenas y espolvorear con 1 / 4 de queso rallado y espolvorear un poco de nuez moscada. Cubrir con otra capa de rebanadas de berenjena y espolvorear de nuevo con 1 / 4 de queso rallado. Repite con otra capa de la salsa de carne, berenjenas, queso rallado y la nuez moscada.
Vierta la salsa bechamel sobre la berenjena y asegúrate de dejar que la salsa cubre los lados y esquinas de la cacerola. Alise la bechamel por encima con una espátula y espolvorear con el queso rallado restante. Hornear en un horno a 350 grados durante 45 minutos o hasta que la salsa bechamel es un bonito color dorado. Dejar enfriar durante 15 a 20 minutos antes de cortar y servir.
Usted puede hacer este plato con adelanto hasta la salsa bechamel y refrigere. Hacer la salsa bechamel justo antes de hornear.

Sirva con una ensalada griega y / o pan… ¡disfrutar!

Dionysus Mother, Semeli

The Semeli Estate was an exciting port of call for me, during my latest exploration of the vineyards of mainland Greece, because it produces some of my favourite wines.

Greece’s noblest red grape variety, Agiorgitiko

It is named after the mother of the ancient Greek god of wine, Dionysus. The estate’s vineyards are in Nemea (Koutsi) and Mantinia at an altitude of 600 m. in the eastern Peloponnese.

“Good wine praises itself.” – Dutch Proverb

The views are simply breathtaking – vistas of timeless tranquility. Links to the ancient Greek world do not end there: Hercules performed his first feat – the slaying of the ferocious Nemean lion – in one of its mountain caves.

Nemea is arguably Greece’s most important red-wine appellation.

The Hotel Nafsika and the wines of Semeli have an association which goes back 20 years. We feel that the estate produces wines of exceptional quality which also offer consumers value for money.

Named for the small St George’s Church found within the boundaries of the appellation: agiorgitiko translates as “St George’s grape”.

This bond was further enhanced for me by having my cousin, from Stellar Imports in the US, carry these wines and represent them throughout North America.

While the estate boasts ultramodern equipment, and has strict specifications of cultivation and grape selection, it by no means lacks the human touch. The passion of those who tend the vines is obvious and their skills have been handed down from generation to generation. The result? Wines of unusual character and exceptional quality at favourable prices.

The Semeli Grand Reserve is, in my opinion, the jewel in the estate’s crown and staff admit that it is their pride and joy. For those who enjoy imagining a taste it has been described as ‘bright cherry and raisins on the nose and red berry fruit and prunes on the palate’. There is a savoury (curiously coupled with an almost sweet cigar-box spicy) character overall.

Agiorgitiko is the only PDO-level appellation in Greece that utilizes this grape variety.

Semeli Mantinia Nasiakos, Moschofilero variety, is considered one of the most important wines of Greece. It has the fine and strong aromas, which are characteristics of this variety, combined with a fruity taste. This is one of my favourite whites. It has been dubbed a ‘shiny’, as well as a fruity, wine which ‘causes a smile with every sip’.

Enologists, technicians in the science of wine making, continually observe the process under strict control.

I make these forays into Greece’s winemaking areas when the Nafsika has closed for the winter. I can express my appreciation and enjoyment of the efforts made by the dedicated winemakers no more eloquently than the late Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, when he said of human endeavour.

Nemea Winery: Koutsi, Nemea, Peloponnese

‘Ultimately it comes down to taste…..trying to expose yourself to the best things that humans have done and then trying to bring those things into what you are doing’.

I’ll drink to that!

A True Artist

Kikones is an Ancient Greek tribe, that lived 2500 years ago, in the Komotini, Thrace, region which has had a reputation for producing fine wine from the beginning of history. It was even mentioned by Homer as having supplied the Greeks with wine during the Trojan War.

This is the name that one of the new generation of Greek winemakers, Melina Tassou, has chosen for her modern winery – the first in the region.

Melina, who started the business in 2004, is an agronomist and oenologist. A graduate of Bordeaux University, she gained experience in Bordeaux, Burgundy, Loire in France and Australia before starting this venture.

Melina now uses her considerable expertise to produce a selection of very fine organic wines.

Harvesting is done with great selectivity. The winemaking itself is done according to Melina’s philosophy of interfering as little as possible with the the natural fermentation process. This preserves the unique nature of each grape variety.

Sampling these wines in the great outdoors of a clement autumn was a heaven-sent opportunity.

Somebody once said that wine is the only artwork you can drink.

In that case he would also class Melina as a true artist!

IT WAS ALL GREEK TO ME: A Culinary Tale by Jo Hart

The next post is from a dear friend of mine that has been coming to the Nafsika quite recently who loves the hotel, the area and the food! I always enjoy seeing the dishes that people make from Theodora’s recipes as I know she does herself. Theodora loves the fact that her recipes are passed on not only in the family but to our extended family as well!

But let Jo tell her story….

My journey into Greek cooking.  I was inspired to branch out into a different
cuisine following holidays at the Nafsika Hotel, and aided and abetted by Spiros
Mouzakitis and his lovely mum’s (Theodora) great recipes.


Me at my Kitchen!

My story is probably very like many others that have stayed at the Nafsika over the years.  The only word I knew in Greek was ‘Kalispera’, which I knew from the Eurovision Song Contest and Katie Boyle all those years ago “Kalispera Athens this is London calling, please could I have the results of the Greek jury”.  I am ashamed to say that I have learnt very little Greek at all despite having spent the last few May holidays in Corfu and at the Nafsika Hotel.  But I have been given a free drink for asking for the bill at a restaurant in Agios Stefanos Beach in Greek!!  Which if my memory serves me right is to ‘logarizmo parakalo’ (phonetic) no way could I do the Greek Alphabet.

I am more enthusiastic about Greek culinary dishes.  I like cooking and I have
used recipes shared by Spiros of the Nafsika Hotel, Agios Stefanos, Avliotes,
Corfu.  Most of the recipes shared are from Theodora, the Kitchen Queen of the
hotel and it is her natural flair for cooking and her son’s willingness to
harness this for the good of the whole family which has made the Nafsika what it
is today, and the reason that people return year after year, the food and the
hospitality are a great draw.  As well as the witty repartee of mine

Theodora’s Spinakopita (Spinach Pie)

The first dish that I ever tried to cook following one of Theodora’s recipes was
Theodora’s Spanakopita.  I followed the recipe to the letter and was really pleased with the results, as I became more accustomed to making it I did actually vary the
ingredients like trying it with Goats cheese instead of Feta, and using cheddar
in place of the ‘kefalotiri’ cheese or parmesan cheese as recommended, although
the taste was good in all instances there were subtle differences to the
finished dish.   All very edible.


My very first attempt making Spanakopita.


Theodora’s Spinakopita (Spinach Pie)

Artichokes with Broad Beans and Peas.

The next dish I made was broad beans with artichokes, this was a real feat to
complete, owing to the difficulty in getting the ingredients in the UK.  Waitrose, Sainsburys, and Morrisons all have fresh artichokes when in season,
but they are very expensive.  It is possible to buy frozen from Waitrose.   I
find that it is easier to find the components for this dish in Calais (I live in
Kent so make frequent sojourns to the Nord Pas de Calais, where it is possible
to get both frozen and fresh artichokes at reasonable prices).   I ended up
using artichokes from the deli counter from Sainsburys  when I made the dish and
the 1 fresh one that I bought.  It is a light dish which had an acquired taste I loved.


Artichokes being cooked


Artichokes with Broad Beans and Peas.

I made tzatziki, which is really easy, and tastes so much better than the
ready made variety you can buy in the UK.   If you are watching your waistline,
use the 2% fat Greek yoghurt as the 0% fat one makes it too runny.

I made a Greek salad, although I do think the feta you buy in UK is too salty for
my liking.

I also made Theodora’s famous moussaka, spanakopita and stuffed vine
leaves. My daughter who was with us and a fussy eater ate everything, even the
youngest amongst us was willing to try everything, although she wasn’t as eager
as the rest of us for my Greek cooking.   Never mind, she may remember where she
first tasted it when she is older and wiser.  The moussaka deserves a special mention, the method that Theodora makes requires frying and reserving  the potatoes and aubergines, the result was well worth it as it enhances flavour.  I made the béchamel sauce with skimmed milk and it probably wasn’t as creamy as made with whole milk but a  better for the waistline.  I used Delia Smith’s all in one white sauce recipe which I find foolproof.  That is the only change I made to the recipe was to make it lower fat.  Hopefully it didn’t suffer because of it.  I do not think so.

Dolmades (Stuffed Vineleaves).

I made these for a family meal whilst staying at my sister’s place in Newquay, this is a picture of my first attempt. The dummy run. They were really good even though I say so myself and I served them hot with a roasted pepper sauce. They are a bit fiddly, and at the time of making you could get the vine leaves in Morrisons, sadly they no longer do them, so it would be a trip probably to London for me to get them, so I haven’t made them very often since. I will however, bring some back with me on my next trip to Corfu. I suppose that you could use cabbage.



Greek Lemon Roast Chicken.

I make this dish in a roasting bag, as it gives the potatoes the texture that I require, and like for the dish. I find that the Marfona potato is a good one to use for this recipe. It’s very simple you just place all the prepared vegetables in the bottom of the bag, season, add lemon juice and olive oil, spices oregano, and bay leaf and then put the chicken on top, the whole dish cooks in the oven and the potatoes and vegetables take on the flavour of the chicken and the potatoes cook, semi boiled/semi roasted. It’s better if cooked in a slow oven about 150C,  adjusted slightly if you have a fan oven. The smells will begin to waft through the house when nearly ready. All you do is open the oven and take a look if the potatoes have begun to take on a semi roasted appearance then the dish is ready. This is one of my favourite recipes and so easy to make.


Greek Lemon Roast Chicken

Theodora’s Giouvetsi (Γιουβέτσι) with Orzo.

This was a recipe that Spiros had promised to me for ages, and which I waited for with bated breath.  It took a really long while for him to send this to me, having promised it to me following his putting a picture of it on Instagram.  The picture below is of the dish whilst it was cooking, and what is so lovely about this recipe is the heavenly smell of cinnamon and spices that waft through the house while cooking, very reminiscent of Christmas cooking smells.  One of my favourite childhood remembered smells is coming home from school and the Christmas cake being cooked and another is liver and bacon being cooked for dinner.  They both conjure up lovely memories.  If you are staying at the Nafsika don’t miss the calves liver and bacon with garlic mash it is to die for!!  When Spiros puts a recipe of any sort on his blog, I love the little tips often included, like in this case to make sure that the shanks were completely tender, as it can vary according to the age of the lamb. Lots of tips which he relates are what his mum does.  In case of all those English readers the difference for example between Welsh, English and New Zealand lamb and the relative age of the lamb.


Theodora’s Giouvetsi (Γιουβέτσι) with Orzo.

The finished dish. The orzo is easily obtained in the UK, although this particular orzo was purchased in Agios Stefanos Beach and taken home with me, along with other items like the small green lentils, called fakes. Have used orzo in other recipes countless times, makes a change from rice. That’s one recipe I haven’t made so far from the array that Spiros has put on the blog. There are bound to be others I haven’t got round to doing as yet, and maybe this year there will be something new that I would like to try following my holiday at the Nafsika in May!

I am looking forward to trying out more recipes in the future.  I would like to make Baclava – which I would share with friends as it is better while still fresh and is so delicious it must be eaten at once!

A Christmas Story

What better way to celebrate Christmas 2016, than with some treasured moments of summer 2016! This summer we had a wedding, a christening, a sexy fire eater, our live music night and countless endearing moments with people that are far too many to post on this short video.

We had revisits from old friends not seen from way back in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s!  Questions filled my thoughts: Would they think the place still special?  Has it developed too much?  Does it have the charm that it had all those years ago?  I’m pleased to say that my worrying was all in vain! Thank you all for making this summer so special!!

Here are but a few of the festive shenanigans that occurred at the Hotel Nafsika in 2016!

God bless us, every one!”

Harissa Prawns, Beans & Vegetables Bruschetta


Sometimes we are inspired to cook something even under the most normal circumstances!  Yesterday my mother was cooking Fasoulada and just before she added the tomatoes (which was the 6th procedure on the Fasoulada recipe) I appropriated a ladled full of cooked white beans. On the recipe that follows I use canned white beans as it would be easier for most people to find this ingredient although if you follow the Fasoulada recipe they are quite easy to make.


I had once seen a dish with prawns and beans and wanted to do something similar. wondering what else I should put into the dish I immediately thought of northern Greece’s crimson king: the sweet, red Florina pepper. Quickly the other vegetable ingredients came to mind like onions, cauliflower and zucchini/courgette.


I incorporated these vegetables as I had them on hand, but I might have used others if I had them such as a fennel bulb, snap peas, broccoli or fresh mushrooms. I wanted it to create this dish more as an appetizer rather than a main course and definitely I wanted it to be a very light dish. I only decided on using Harissa paste towards the end of my stir frying. Harissa paste, a spicy North African chile paste, is available even in Corfu but it seems quite easy to make from scratch.  This is readily available in most countries.


I finished the dish on a bed of garlic bread fried on an iron skillet.


Alternatively, it can made into a main meal which you could serve with rice, noodles or something a bit more exotic like couscous.

Harissa Prawns, Beans & Vegetables Bruschetta


2-3 tablespoons olive oil, divided
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 tablespoon lemon juice
5-6 garlic cloves, sliced
10-12 medium prawns, peeled, deveined
1 15-ounce cans white beans (such as cannellini), rinsed, drained
1 small onion, sliced thickly
2 red peppers of Florina, sliced thickly
1 zucchini/courgette, thinly sliced on the diagonal and halved
1 small head cauliflower, cut into florets, (using only a quarter of it)
2–3 tablespoons harissa paste
Sea salt, freshly ground pepper
3  tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley
Grilled garlic bread


1. In a non-metallic bowl, combine prawns, lemon juice, one teaspoon of Harissa. Marinate for 30 minutes to an hour.

2. Break up the cauliflower into large florets, then, using your hands, break into very small florets. Blanch cauliflower for 2 minutes in hot water.

3. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil and butter in a wok or large cast-iron skillet over medium heat. Once slightly smoking add sliced garlic and cook for 1 minute, add marinated prawns. Cook prawns 3-5 minutes, turning, until they change color and are cooked through. Remove prawns and set aside.

4. In the same skillet over medium-high to high heat. Add the oil, then the onions, red peppers and courgette slices for 2-3 minutes. Stir the cauliflower around the pan, allowing it to get very brown in some areas. Add cooked cannellini beans.

5. Add the 1-2 tablespoons of harissa and toss prawn and vegetable mixture well in in the wok. Cook for 3 minutes, add parsley and then turn heat to low. Season with salt and pepper.

6. Fry sliced wholewheat bread on iron skillet or just fry in toaster, rub clove of garlic on one side.

7. For each serving, place garlic bread flat on plate and top with harissa prawn mixture and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon parsley.

Hotel Nafsika’s Thanksgivings – Summer 2014

On this Throwbackthursday and on this day of Thanksgiving, Hotel Nafsika gives thanks to all of its guests and patrons for making the summer of 2014 special.

Although most of the world does not celebrate Thanksgiving Day, a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year, we at the Hotel Nafsika would like to give thanks to all of our guests and non-guests alike with this video.  (This video was supposed to be posted yesterday but uploading in this part of the world is a b*tch!)

Summer 2014 was not without its challenges: my father falling and breaking one of the bones in his pelvis; staff getting sick and not working most of the season; the economic climate in Greece not abating in the face of our politicians saying they are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and local government not providing services even though we are paying them through the nose!

Yet with all these hardships and others, we give thanks to this past season and dare to be grateful for who we are and what we have. Our Thanksgiving is perpetual.

Once upon a rainy day at the Hotel Nafsika.

Corfu is one of the prettiest islands in Greece and one reason for this is that it rains much more on this island than any other island in Greece. Labeled ‘the Emerald Isle’ for its striking sea of greenery and olive groves.

Many people are surprised at how much it rains on the island, some say as much rain as London gets but this only explains its lush greenery and breathtaking beauty. Flowering bushes, shrubs, olive and cypress trees cloak most of its rolling landscape, and in spring the island is bursting with beautiful wild flowers.

Luckily for the people of Corfu, it has a long dry summer which makes it an ideal destination for holiday makers as it mainly rains in the winter months. Although not tropical in character, it is not unusual for it to rain in the morning and the sun to come out in the afternoon. As this video above illustrates!


Avliotes Carnival 2014

This year’s Avliotes Carnival on the north-west side of Corfu in Greece, despite its usual problems of weather and last minute arrangements, went without a hitch.  It was blessed with a mild warm day and a huge turnout even though it was raining in the morning!

This year’s theme, if there was a theme to the carnival,  would be of ‘politicians that don’t keep their promises’!  This of course is nothing new nor is it something which happens only in Greece but it exist everywhere!

This years Karnabalos (Carnival King) is of a politician asking to be re-elected! The carnival participants were satirizing daily life through the various floats in the parade:  for example when will roads be completed ,  filling in the endless pot holes,  trusting political parties since they got us into this crisis,  the graft and corruption which have made our politicians wealthy!

Lampooning these conditions is an outlet for our anger and impotence to change things.  A way to let off some steam, sadly our politicians are immune to our cries of dissatisfaction!

Theodora’s Greek Bean Soup (Fasoulada)

As far as Greek dishes go, Fasoulada, may be one of the most underrated dishes amongst tourists coming to Greece.  Most Greeks when asked the question of which dish represents the country most, would more than likely give the title of Fasoulada as the National Dish of GreeceThis most ancient Greek soup dates back to the time of antiquity where the Ancient Greeks would spend a whole day to celebrating the mighty Fasoulada!  This dish must have saved Greece during World War II as it became the staple diet during the war.  I joke with people in saying that the Germans did not like beans or else they would have stolen them as they did most other foodstuff.

Theodora’s Greek Bean Soup

Theodora’s Greek Bean Soup (Fasoulada)

Fasolada is primarily made with dried navy or white haricot beans.  Its nutritional attributes cannot be overlooked as it contains protein, iron, fibre, magnesium and potassium.  Other ingredients include carrots, celery, onion, tomato paste and olive oil.  The soup adheres to the Mediterranean diet with its legumes and vegetables, rich in antioxidants.

Looking on-line at other people’s contributions to the Greek Bean Soup (Fasoulada),  I noticed that many dishes do not resemble the way most Greeks would cook it.  Many added more vegetables than normal or more tomatoes since the Fasoulada looked too red in color.  I’m quite sure that these dishes tasted just fine and I’m not saying the Fasoulada in these other recipes is wrong (though, I would say the recipes are more a Greek-Style Fasoulada) where as this version here is a more traditional version or should I say Theadora’s Fasoulada. Notice that there is no garlic in this version.  Theodora says that garlic is added only to Fakes (Greek Lentil Soup).   I also like to add a few drops of Tabasco just before I eat it as I like it a bit spicy!


  • 1 1/2 cups white beans (may also use navy beans or white haricot beans)
  • 6 cups water
  • 2 carrots, peeled and sliced finely
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 stalks celery, strings removed, and sliced
  • 1 pinch red pepper flakes (optional)
  • 1/2 Tbsp tomato paste (Again, my mother does not use tomatoes in a can or fresh as they may make the soup bitter and the beans hard.)
  • 1 teaspoon mild paprika
  • 1 vegetable stock
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Soak the beans in water overnight; strain the water, rinse beans and place them in a pot with new water. (I think the soup tastes much better with fresh beans rather than canned beans).
  2. Bring to boil over high heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain beans in a strainer and return to pot. Add 6 cups water. (This is done to make the soup light on the stomach).
  4. Bring to boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Add carrots, onion, celery and red pepper flakes.
  6. Simmer for 1 hour or less until beans are soft and tender. (The time is arbitrary as beans tend to vary according to water softness and even altitude).  Add more water if needed.
  7. Towards the end, add vegetable stock, tomato paste, olive oil, mild paprika and pepper to taste.
  8. Add salt last if needed as the vegetable stock may have enough.  (Do not add salt or tomatoes until the beans are cooked or they will go hard if you do).
  9. Serve with hearty crusted bread, Kalamata olives, spring onions, and white Taramosalata.
